Preserve the experience of hand drawing and its benefits while seamlessly integrating it with technological tools leveraging it to aid people in the best possible way.
To start with, at some point of time we all have scribbled, sketched, had charts or diagrams on white boards or just designed something on a blank paper. Designer, Engineers, architects, students all of them at some point started with a paper and a pen. On the contrary, without a doubt all of us have felt the need to get software of shareable file formats or presentable charts and designs while actually putting our ideas to use. There are numerous tools available that try to give the users the best possible experiences but there is still a lack of seamless translation of handmade tangible artefacts to machine readable and usable format.
Arguably, there are tools when integrated with touch screens that try to give the users the best of both worlds. But only an artist by heart would know the difference between getting your pen on a paper and your stylus on a touch screen. It is altogether a different feeling and experience with writers, skechers, scribblers, designers or the brainstormers writing / drawing the bits and pieces and ideas that come to their minds. These are all artists by heart whose creativity is drawn out by the experiences and would also love to leverage the benefits of technology while preserving the experience.